Puyang Willing Chemicals is already a long-standing partner of Lehmann&Voss&Co. and has thus demonstrated once again that its strategic focus is on Europe. “We are delighted by the decision to grow together and further extend the collaboration, which is perfectly in harmony with our strategy,” said Karl-Heinz Teschke, Head of the LUVOMAXX business unit.
The business with accelerators, whether in pure form as powder or pellets or also in polymer-bound form as granulate or slabs, is a steadily growing product branch at LUVOMAXX. Thanks to continuous product development, investments in environmental technology and compliance with regulatory requirements such as REACH, the long-term availability for Europe is suitably assured.
Contact person:
Lehmann&Voss&Co. KG
Mark Podgorsky
Alsterufer 19
20354 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 44197 324
Fax: +49 40 44198 347
E-mail: mark.podgorsky(at)lehvoss(dot)de