Technical support
Our experts are at your disposal to ensure the smooth operation of your plants as well as to design and commission new plants and optimize your processes. In the filtration of beverages, in particular, we have a tremendous wealth of experience with our three master brewers. Using comprehensive analysis and their trained eye, they will find the faults within the system on your filtration plant – whether such faults be due to seasonal fluctuations in the quality of the raw materials or inappropriate filtering aids.
Individual filtration formulations
During the processing of natural raw materials such as malting barley and brewer’s malt, seasonal fluctuations in quality are perfectly normal. Often the properties of the brewer’s malt not only have an influence on the taste of the finished beer, but also on the preceding filtration. Deviations in throughput volumes and turbidity values make it necessary to adjust the filter aids. In this case, we prepare customer-specific product blends for you, which are ideally adapted to the current raw material quality.
Measurements, trial runs and recommendations
To ensure the best beer quality, we take a deep look into the glass – in the form of measurements and tests, which we either conduct ourselves or in collaboration with independent laboratories. We will then recommend specific actions on the basis of the results. Details of the services we offer are as follows:
- Turbidity measurement
- Beer foam measurements (to determine the foam stability)
- Forcing test (Measurement of turbidity level with suspended substances and protein. Subsequent recommendation of control by stabilization and filtering)
- Stability test (Calculation of the best before date)
- Filtration inspections during ongoing operations at the client’s plant
- Analysis of the filter aids (e.g. if odour develops within a batch)
Plant optimization
Measuring results and on-site consultations often merge into a recommendation for modification to the plants. For instance, the use of finer or coarser filter cartridges or the additional use of bag filters as “police filters” may be advisable or perhaps a coarser or finer filter coating needs to be selected. Our Technical Service personnel are on hand at any time to advise you on all issues of plant optimization.