Other Magnesium compounds

Our delivery program includes synthetic and natural magnesium compounds. You will find our standard grades below; further specialties are available.

LUVOMAG® Magnesium compounds

Typical values

  OriginPurity [wt %} 
S 700Sulphate: MgSO4 anhydrous 98.70.002Powder
S 900Sulphate: MgSO4 anhydrous 98.50.01Powder
S 800/801Sulphate: MgSO4 anhydrous 98.5 Powder d50 300μm
S 770Sulphate: MgSO4 x 7 H2O 99.70.001Granulate
S 880/881Sulphate: MgSO4 x 7 H2O 99.0« 0,001Powder d50 900μm
MGCLChloride: MgCL2 x 6 H2O 46.8 Flakes; AF grade available
NO3-99Nitrate: Mg(NO3)2 x 6 H2O 99.8< 0.001Granulate

AF: certified animal feed grade.
Further grades and property details available upon request.

Food, nutrition and pharma grades

Please find information on this range of products here!