Magnesium carbonate

Our delivery program includes synthetic and natural magnesium compounds. You will find our standard grades below; further specialties are available.

LUVOMAG® Magnesium carbonate

Typical chemical values

 OriginPurity [wt %}Other properties 
Syn.Nat.MgO*CaOSiO2Fe2O3LoIParticle size
d50 [μm]
density [g/l]
C 430 40.0  0.02 6135 
C 060 40.00.45 0.02 40690 
C 025 42.00.32 0.0154 %2165 
C 019 6310 
C 400 42.80.75   40440 
C 014 43.00.31 0.03 680 
C 013 43.80.25 0.003 8120 
MC 100 %5  
MC 500 %45 / Gran  
MC 200 %5  
MC 210 %Gran 0-5 mm
Grip Cube 41.0    > 200120Sports chalk
Grip Chunk 41.0    > 200120Sports chalk

* On ignited basis.
Chemical composition: natural MgCO3, synthetic 4MgCO3·Mg(OH)2·5H2O.
Further grades and property details available upon request.

Food, nutrition and pharma grades

Please find information on this range of products here!