Chemicals legislation
For many years, the marketing of substances and mixtures has been linked to growing chemical legislation at EU level, controlled by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and supplemented by national regulations derived from it.
The EU Regulation CLP (VO (EU) 1272/2008) defined a new EU-uniform system of classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures.

The EU Regulation REACH (VO (EU) 1907/2006) defines processes that apply to imports from non-EU countries (and production via chemical syntheses). The registration of substances has been established as a central process here. We have registered more than 60 substances since the REACH regulation came into force in order to keep these products available for our customers. Our subsidiaries are also involved in these processes. Please find here our REACH brochure!
To implement the requirements of both central (and other) regulations, we use modern and digital systems that enable us, for example, to create safety data sheets for our products in a legally secure and timely manner and to send them automatically.
The new chemicals strategy developed within the framework of the EU Green Deal will once again make lasting changes to EU chemicals law. We are following the developments closely and are already in the process of adapting processes and products accordingly.
But other countries (non-EU) are also further developing their chemical legislation (e.g. Korea (K-REACH), Turkey (KKDIK), UK (UK-REACH) etc.).
We keep an eye on all these developments in chemical legislation and ensure that our products can also be marketed in these regions.
Roughly nine years passed from the first attempts to implement REACh until it came into effect. Auer-Remy and Lehmann&Voss&Co. were very intensively involved with this issue right from the start and for us it was about giving our customers certainty as early as possible that our products will continue to be available.
This also included explaining to our non-European suppliers whether, and if so, which substances they (or a representative within the EU) would have to have registered or in which cases we would have to take this on. This is because we are affected by REACh in many ways through our business model – Distribution, Production and Trade – and we have different roles for different materials which results in different obligations.
We are actively involved with the implementation of the REACh requirements and have already acquired important experience.
- have preregistered approx. 800 substances
- successfully submitted three registrations in 2010/2011
- successfully submitted a further 5 registrations in 2013
- plan several further registrations between now and 2018; a prioritization process has been established for this purpose
- use 'only representative' regulationsto be able to omit some of the mandatory regulations
- use internal and external networks for regular exchanges of experience (e.g., VCI North Regional Association, REACh Hamburg Network (
- have developed process instructions to ensure that the requirements are met and that products remain marketable
- use modern software systems to support compliance with REACh
Please contact us if you have questions or would like provide information about your experiences in this area.