Carbon-fibre reinforced LUVOCOM<sup>®</sup> high-performance compounds for components in drinking water applications

Most people take the ever-present availability of clean drinking water for granted. Yet it involves an increasing amount of effort. Producing, conveying, treating and providing drinking water calls for sophisticated technical systems. These include pumps and valves. Used inside these systems are machine elements such as plain bearings and sealing rings, which are subject to strict requirements in terms of reliability and functionality. Plastics have already been used in these applications for a considerable time.

To be able to meet the greatly increased demands placed on mechanical and tribological properties, Lehmann&Voss&Co. has now developed special carbon-fibre reinforced thermoplastic compounds. These materials tailored to the specific applications offer higher strengths, among other characteristics, and exhibit lower wear when in use. The developments take account of national regulations for material in contact with drinking water, such as KTW, WRAS and ACS. The new compounds permit cost-effective and innovative solutions. As a result, it becomes possible to replace traditional materials such as metals or sintered carbon.

This enables constructions that lead to more efficient and energy-saving systems. Lehmann&Voss&Co. supports customers in the selection and processing of materials, in engineering design as well as in obtaining approval of the components for use with drinking water.

Contact person:
Lehmann&Voss&Co. KG
Thomas Collet
Alsterufer 19
20354 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 44197 412
Fax: +49 40 44198 412
E-Mail: col(at)lehvoss(dot)de