Expertise in Weight

Product highlights

  • Heavy 5.0 g/cm3

  • Light 0.9 g/cm3

Compounds with low weight combined with high strength

Products with high mechanical values that enable particularly strong, stiff and at the same time impact-resistant and light components. We offer innovative construction materials with carbon and glass fiber reinforcement, with short or long fibers. This enables us to achieve values of up to 52 GPa for the tensile modulus and 425 MPa for tensile strength, which is unique in the world. If the components are designed according to the material and by using the design freedom possible with plastics, a significant reduction in system costs of up to 70% and a reduction in weight of up to 62% can be achieved compared to other reinforced thermoplastics.

With these properties, the materials also offer advantages over other systems such as composite materials (CFRP and GFRP) and organo sheets.

Heavy compounds

In most cases, the use of plastics is about saving weight. There are applications where the opposite is required, such as bottle caps for high-quality spirits. The weight conveys value, but at the same time the costs for the closure should remain within limits and innovative designs should be possible. This can also be implemented with plastic compounds. We offer material solutions for this.

Property profile:

  • Density up to 5.0 g/cm3
  • Good processability
  • Design freedom
  • Cost savings compared to metal solutions
  • Printable
  • Metallizable
  • Colorable

Other areas of application are, for example, the sports sector (weights), the consumer goods sector (housing, decorative items) and the technical sector (vibration damping, weights, shielding)