HR Management
At Lehmann&Voss&Co. we hire people with whom to forge the way into the future. HR Management is focussed on establishing the basic conditions that allow our employees to apply themselves to the company's goals with commitment and efficiency.
The company's core values and their implementation by HR are the pillars on which our company rests. Lehmann&Voss&Co. has been operating successfully for over 100 years, and this is exactly how long we have been living our values. Mutual respect and a sound socially-oriented focus are our benchmarks.
We keep our word. This core declaration from our mission statement orients our employees and gives them security. They are also sure of working in an economically successful, stable company whose approach is not determined by short-term results but rather targets a long-term future.
The working conditions and job content offered by Lehmann&Voss&Co. aim to satisfy employees and encourage them to act with a high degree of personal responsibility and results orientation. It is part of our belief system to view every individual employee as a person and to give him/her the opportunity to develop personally. This demanding claim results in the principle that every employee be deployed according to their abilities and skills, that they be encouraged to grow individually with tailored programmes and methods and that they be given generous scope to determine their own working conditions and job content.
Due to the fact that our success is based on our employees' company- and results-orientated approach to thinking and acting, our remuneration policy is also focussed on encouraging and rewarding special contributions.
We are a very internationally-oriented company and therefore expect our employees to be particularly open to other cultures. We consider the successful cooperation with our international subsidiaries and partners to be one of our strengths.If we have sparked your interest, then you're on your way.
If there's anything else you'd like to know, just ask. You can also have a look under "Career" after our job postings.